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The Three Musketeers

Forfatterens bilde: Kennel Mei AlucinorKennel Mei Alucinor

So, what's up with Athos, Porthos and Aramis? Well, Porthos is living in Oslo with Conrad the Dachs and their humon Trine and her family. His callname is Teddy. Aramis moved to Sweden together with Anna. There he lives on a horsefarm. His callname is Matke. Athos, he was moving to UK, but, due to different circumstances, he is still in Norway and will stay here. He's at the moment living with Queenie the Malinois/Dutch Shepherd-mix and her owner Kristin. Athos has grown into a very beautiful and kind boy. He's a quick learner, loves his humans and greats all new persons like a possible friend for life. He has been to his first puppy-show. He became BOB with a great critique.

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April 2024


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